About Us
For decades of innovation, we have made a difference.Our passion and commitment to making a difference in reproductive health has never been stronger.
What we offer
Through advanced science and research, our aim is to deliver a premium quality portfolio of products and services covering the entire reproductive-health journey.
Investor relations
The share
Corporate governance
Fourth quarter and full year report, 2024: A strong finish to the year
At the Vitrolife Group we are around 1,100 colleagues in more than 25 countries, working to achieve our vision to enable people to fulfill the dream of having a healthy baby.
Vitrolife Sweden AB
Gustaf Werners gata 2 421 32 Västra Frölunda Mail: P. O. Box 9080 400 92 Göteborg
Tel: +46 31 721 80 00
Fax: +46 31 721 80 99
Email: [email protected]
Igenomix Argentina, S.A.
Av. 11 de septiembre 4237, 5ª, CABAC1429BJC
Vitrolife Pty Ltd.
Level 1068 Pitt Street SydneyNSW 2000
Tel: +61 1800 848 765
Vitrolife BVBA SPRL
Zwaluwstraat 1131840 Londerzeel
Tel: +32 2588 2468
Fax: +32 2588 2469
Igenomix Brasil Laboratorio de medicina genética, LTDA
Av. Moaci 525 6º andar sala 607 Moema - CEP 04083-004 São Paulo - SP - Brasil
Igenomix Genetic Services Canada, INC
Suite No. 1604365 Bloor Street East TorontoOntario M4W 3L4
Igenomix Chile
Av. Apoquindo número 6410comuna de Las Condesciudad de Santiago edificio denominado "Apoquindo6400)
Beijing Representative Office
A-2005 Focus Square No.6Futong East AvenueChaoyang DistrictBeijing 100102
Tel: +86 10 6403 6613
Fax: +86 10 6403 6613
Igenomix Colombia, S.A.S.
Calle 134, 7-83, Torre 4, Piso 2422, BogotáColombia
Vitrolife A/S
Jens Juuls Vej 16 8260 Viby J
Tel: +45 7221 7901
Fax: +45 7221 7901
HertArt Aps
Korskildelund 6 2670 Greve
Tel: +46 31 721 8000
Fax:+46 31 721 8099
Vitrolife SAS
43 rue de Liège75008 Paris
Tel: +33 01 82 88 08 60
Fax: +33 01 82 88 08 55
Vitrolife GmbH
Rödersteinstr. 684034 Landshut
Fax: +32 2588 2459
Igenomix India PVT LTD
No. L-7, First FloorGreen Park ExtensionNew Delhi-110 016
A.T.S. Srl
Via Oliveti, 11054100 MASSA (MS)
Tel: +39 0585 1981179
Igenomix Italia, S.R.L.
c/o Salus Clinic, Via Enrico Fermi, 1, Marostica, Vicenza, 36063
Vitrolife K.K.
Ryuen Building 2F 1-3-1 Shibakoen, vvMinato-kuTokyo 105-0011
Tel: +81 364 59 44 37
Fax: 81 364 59 45 39
Igenomix Japan, K.K.
L Ningyocho Bldg. 4F, 2-7-10 Nihonbashi Ningyocho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0013, Japan
Igenomix Korea, Ltd.
A-316, Bundang Suji U-Tower, 767 Sinsu-ro, Suji-gu, Yongin-si,Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
Igenomix FZ, LLC
Unit 501 & 502, Building 40Dubai Health Care CityP.O. Box 66566
Igenomix Mexico, S.R.L. de C.V.
Avenida Ejército Nacional No. 579Colonia Granada, en Ciudad de México
Genomics Peru, S.A.C.
Calle Monterosa, 270, Oficina 1103Chacarilla, SurcoLima, Peru
Igenomix RS, LLC
3rd Monetchikovsky lane 16, building 1 Moscow, 115054
Igenomix, S.L.
Ronda Narcís Monturiol Estarriol nº11 Parcela B, Edificio Europark, Parque Tecnológico de Paterna46980 – Paterna, Valencia, Spain
Igenomix Spain Lab SL
Igenomix R&D SL
Igenomix Taiwan Ltd.
30F-11, No. 99, Section 1, Xintaiwu Road, Xizhi DistrictNew Taipei City, Taiwan 221
Igenomix Turkey Genetik Laboratuvar Ve Danişmanlik Hizmetleri Anonim Şirketi
19 Mayis Mah. 19 Mayis Cad.Golden Plaza. 3.2 Şişli/İstanbul
Vitrolife Ltd
Vitrolife Ltd1 Chapel StreetWarwick CV34 4HL
Tel: +44 800 032 0013
Fax: +44 800 032 0014
Vitrolife, Inc.
3601 South Inca StreetEnglewood (Denver) CO 80110
Tel: +1 303 762 1933
Fax: +1 303 781 5615
6835 Flanders Drive, Suite 500San Diego CA 92121
Tel: +1 858 824 0888
Fax: +1 858 824 0891
Igenomix Latam Corporation, INC
7955 NW 12th Street, Suite 415-425 Miami, FL 33126
Igenomix USA, LLC
383 Van Ness Av, Suite 1605Torrance, CA 90501
30 Montgomery Street. Suite 270Jersey City, 07302 NJ
Genetify, LLC
7955 NW 12th Street, Suite 415-425, Miami, FL 33126
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