Enable people to fulfil the dream of having a healthy baby

The Vitrolife Group’s management and Board of Directors have resolved that sustainability must be integrated into everything we do. Based on a thorough analysis of the value chain, four long-term sustainability themes have been identified on which we will focus our efforts.

The themes enable the effective integration of sustainability into the core business by setting long-term ambitions and direct measures in line with our material sustainability issues. In 2023, we have set long term ambitions and identified appropriate KPIs to monitor progress for each theme.

Ensuring sustainability in everything we do
The Vitrolife Group’s management and Board of Directors have resolved that sustainability must be integrated into everything we do.

Within the context of our sustainability strategy, we have identified key performance indicators to follow and track progress on our sustainability ambitions.

Complementing the primary performance indicator for each theme, we employ additional relevant indicators to effectively monitor and track our progress. The tables on the following pages provide a concise summary of the indicators.

Fulfilling the dream of having a healthy baby

Purpose-driven growth

We aim to develop world-class products that improve the treatment quality and outcomes for the clinics and the final patient, including through improved access to products, services, and information.

This can only be achieved by maintaining a sharp focus on innovating for and with our customers and never losing sight of our final purpose and goal: to unlock the full potential of reproductive science and technology to reduce the barriers to building a family, and thus fulfilling the dream of having a healthy baby.

Purpose-driven growth

Ethical profitability

As a company with a strong tradition of profitable growth, we acknowledge that operating profitably cannot be sustainable without ensuring ethical decision-making and responsible business conduct throughout the value chain.

To this end, we aim to ensure that all of our partners, suppliers and distributors are in line with the standards we apply to ourselves in terms of ethics, quality and sustainability.

Ethical profitability

Planet accountability

We aspire to be a driving force in creating sustainable production and consumption patterns throughout our value chain.

We aim to minimise its ecological footprint, respect biodiversity, conserve water resources, take measures to combat climate change and thus work purposefully to contribute to keeping climate warming below 1.5 degrees in line with the expectations set by the UN.

Planet accountability

Inclusive engagement

We strive to create an inclusive culture, where everyone has equal rights and opportunities regardless of aspects such as gender, nationality, ethnicity, religion, age, sexual orientation, or other status.

A fair distribution of opportunities between gender, as well as zero tolerance for discrimination, are important prerequisites for the Vitrolife Group globally. To make sure we don’t fall behind this goal, we have created an internal diversity and inclusion (D&I) index that will help us control and keep track of our progress in the years to come. Together with inclusion, ensuring that we foster an organisation with high engagement and where everyone is empowered to be at their best is a top priority.

Inclusive engagement

External recognitions and partnerships

ESG focus

Signatory to the UN Women’s Empowerment Principles

United Nations Global Compact

MedTech Europe


Reporting and Policies

Vitrolife's Code of Conduct

Vitrolife requires all employees and distributors to sign and comply with Vitrolife’s Code of Conduct. In 2020 the Code of Conduct was reinforced with a separate policy that gives guidance to healthcare professionals and business partners on cooperation with health care and medical care actors and care staff. All distributors have signed Vitrolife’s Code of Conduct. When selecting and qualifying suppliers with regard to the purchase of materials for production, one of the selection criteria is that suppliers comply with and work in accordance with Vitrolife’s Code of Conduct.

Vitrolife's Code of Conduct

Environmental policy

The Vitrolife Group works systematically to reduce the environmental footprint of all its business. The Vitrolife Group head office, including the production facility in Gothenburg, is certified in accordance with the environmental management system standard ISO14001. 

Our vision is to enable people to fulfil the dream of having a healthy baby.
To achieve this, we develop, manufacture and market products and systems in the field of assisted reproduction.

Whilst doing so we strive to improve our environmental performance by committing to the following:

  • Continuous improvement and prevention of pollution
  • Adhere to legal and other relevant requirements
  • Minimize the environmental impact of energy consumption and transportation
  • Communicate our environmental policy to employees, suppliers, distributors and the public

Whistleblower function

Vitrolife Group strives to achieve a high level of business ethics and transparency. Our employees are an important source of insight for revealing possible serious irregularities that must be addressed. The whistleblowing function is managed by an internal committee consisting of the SVP HR & Sustainability (Chair), the Group Counsel and the Head of Internal Control & ERM. Whistleblowing can be done openly or anonymously.

Link to external partner for whistleblower function

Modern Slavery Statement

Pursuant to Section 54(1) of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and Section 16 of the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018, we hereby publish our Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement. This statement, approved by our Board of Directors, outlines Vitrolife Group's commitment and efforts to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in our operations and supply chains.

Modern Slavery Statement


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