Financial Reports
Read Vitrolife Group's financial reports, including the latest release of the annual and sustainability report and interim reports.
Chairman of the board
Chairman of the board
Born 1956. B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering, Master's degree in Business Administration (MBA). Board member since 2015. Member of the Remuneration Committee. Not independent in relation to the company’s major shareholders.
Other assignments
Previous assignments
President and CEO at Össur. Chairman of the Icelandic American Chamber of Commerce. Commercial Counselor for the Icelandic Trade Council in New York, CFO at Álafoss, Head of the International Division of Eimskip and Engineer for Bang and Olufsen Denmark.
Shareholding in Vitrolife AB*: 30,400 shares.
Board member
Board member
Born 1971. University studies in Business Administration. Board member since 2019. Member of the Remuneration Committee and Audit Committee. Independent in relation to the company and company management but not independent in relation to the company’s major shareholders.
Other assignments
CEO of Bure Equity AB and CEO ACQ Bure AB. Chairman of the board of Mercuri International Group AB, Bure Growth AB and Atle Investment Management AB.
Previous assignments
Experience of investment operations and corporate development. Investment manager at Skanditek Industriförvaltning, analyst in ACR Venture Management.
Shareholding in Vitrolife AB*: 0 shares.
Board member
Board member
Born 1962. Master of Science, Danish Technical University and MBA, INSEAD. Board member since 2020. Chairman of the Remuneration Committee. Independent in relation to the company, company management and major shareholders
Other assignments
Board Member at Orion Corporation and Biotage AB.
Previous assignments
Senior management positions in Philips, Sanofi and Biogen. Board member of MEDA, Orifarm, Danish Technical University/SCION, EKF: Danish Export Credit Fund (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Shareholding in Vitrolife AB*: 0 shares.
Board member
Board member
Born 1959. MSc in Business Administration. Board member since 2018. Member of the Audit Committee. Independent in relation to the company, company management and major shareholders.
Other assignments
Board chairman of Biovica International AB. Board member of the Lundbeck Foundation, H Lundbeck A/S, ALK-Abelló A/S and Life Healthcare Holdings Limited.
Previous assignments
Senior Advisor within healthcare at Bain Capital. Senior management positions in pharma and medtech companies including Agilent, Dako, Applied Biosystems Inc., Medtronic Europe Sarl, Boston Scientific Europe and Pharmacia.
Shareholding in Vitrolife AB*: 0 shares.
Board member
Board member
Born 1963. M.Sc. in Business and Economics. Board member since 2013. Chairman of the Audit Committee. Independent in relation to the company, company management and major shareholders.
Other assignments
Senior Advisor at Skandia Group. Board member of Duni (publ), Carnegie Group, Unilabs Group Holding APS, Skandiabanken Aktiebolag (publ), och Sophiahemmet Rehab Center AB.
Previous assignments
CFO of Skandia Group, Folksam, and Carnegie Group, senior positions at RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland), Skandia Liv, Länsförsäkringar Liv, Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen) and has worked as certified public auditor.
Shareholding in Vitrolife AB*: 5,000 shares.
Read Vitrolife Group's financial reports, including the latest release of the annual and sustainability report and interim reports.
Ensuring sustainability in everything we do is one of our key strategic priorities. Learn more on our approach and sustainability themes.
Vitrolife AB is a publicly traded Swedish company listed on NASDAQ Stockholm. The company's corporate governance policies comply with Swedish laws and regulations.